The Emitwise Scope 3 Carbon Calculator follows the GHG Protocol, the global standard for carbon accounting. By using your company’s financial spend data, we estimate your Scope 3 emissions by mapping your spend categories to our classification system and applying industry-average emission factors. This approach is fast and simple, using readily available financial data to calculate a directionally accurate baseline of your value chain emissions. Learn more about our methodology here.
The Equipoise Advanced Business Carbon Calculator is built based on the GHG Protocol, the global standard for carbon accounting. Users will be guided through the provision of company activity data to provide transparent calculations for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions based on most recent government-issued emission factors, broken down by GHG Protocol categories and inclusive of all greenhouse gases. Companies are able to choose whether to align with US-based or UK-based categorizations on a per-facility basis. Note that some downstream emission categories (product processing, sale and disposal) and emissions from company investments and franchises are excluded.